The Visions of Peace Initiative is committed to imparting a meaningful understanding of ethical behavior that can be achieved through an appreciation for the value of reciprocity
New York, NY / AA LaNyalla Mattalitti, Chairman of the House of Regional Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, also known as the Senate House, officially nominated the Visions of Peace Initiative for the Nobel Peace Prize.

To learn more about the Visions of Peace Initiative, please visit
As a spokesperson noted, the Indonesian Senate House fully supports the Visions of Peace Initiative (VOPI) to win the Nobel Peace Prize. To date, VOP has held more than 50 events throughout Indonesia and has inspired hundreds of thousands of young people.
“The Visions of Peace Initiative embraces the Ethic of Reciprocity, also known as the Golden Rule, a universal value that is included within all faiths and traditions,” the spokesperson noted, adding that this Ethic of Reciprocity teaches people to “Do Unto Others As You Would Want Done For Yourself and Do Not Do Unto Others As You Would Not Want Done To Yourself.’’
The Visions of Peace Initiative is committed to imparting a meaningful understanding of ethical behavior that can be achieved through an appreciation for the value of reciprocity.
VOPI events have been held throughout the Republic of Indonesia, including areas that have experienced conflicts and natural disasters. As the spokesperson noted, it is hoped that through the engagement of youth using art and other creative forms of expression the VOPI can continue to inspire the younger generations.
“With the positive results that the VOPI has achieved to date, I believe the VOPI is very deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize,” Mattalitti said.
In addition to the Senate House, the leader of the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia and H. Muhammad Farhan, SE, member of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia have also nominated the VOPI to the Nobel Peace Prize Committee.
According to the founders of the Visions of Peace Initiative, Prince KPH Dr. Damien Dematra and Princess Cheryl Halpern, the recognition and nomination of the Visions of Peace Initiative from the Indonesian Senate House is an “unprecedented and incomparable honor.”
The acknowledgement of a non-governmental organization has never happened before in the history of the Republic of Indonesia, the spokesperson noted, adding that this tribute will inspire everyone who has already participated in the VOPI and those who are yet to participate, to continue to promote peace and tolerance.
Since its inception in 2017, the VOPI has been working together with schools, orphanages and religious organizations throughout Indonesia.
The Visions of Peace Initiative is honored to have also been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Prof. Dr. Ir. Oktovian Berty Alexander Sompie, Rector of the Universitas Kristen Indonesia Tomohon and by Dr. Ephraim Isaac, Director of the Institute of Semitic Studies at Princeton University. Both of these respected academicians have prioritized the importance of the VOPI’s teaching the young about civility.
Princess Cheryl Halpern and Prince KPH Dr. Dematra said they encourage everyone to appreciate Alfred Nobel’s comment that, “Good wishes will not ensure peace.”
“We must remember that civility and peace require a steadfast commitment to instill in every generation an understanding of the ‘Ethic of Reciprocity,’” they said.
About the Visions of Peace Initiative
The Visions Of Peace Initiative is dedicated to introducing the golden rule when meeting young people and encouraging them to express their views on tolerance and peaceful conditions through an extraordinary spectrum of arts. For more information, please visit
Media Contact
Y Makhu