“Treachery on the Nile” is the Sixth and Final Book in the Popular Michael Vaux Series
TORONTO, ONTARIO/ Author Roger Croft is pleased to announce the launch of his newest spy novel, “Treachery on the Nile.” The book is the sixth and final novel in the popular Michael Vaux series.

To learn more about “Treachery on the Nile,” which can be purchased on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and at Books a Million, please visit https://rogercroft.com.
As Croft noted, former newsman and occasional MI6 agent Michael Vaux has survived an assassination attempt and is planning on a long period of rehabilitation.
“But the spymasters at Vauxhall Cross, the London HQ of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, have learned of a military plot to overthrow the pro-West regime of Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. The conspirators are to finalize their planning on a Nile pleasure craft and MI6 hits on the idea of sending Vaux on a recuperative trip up the Nile on the same boat.”
Vaux is told that he is being sent on a “recuperative” cruise up the Nile. By social contact and shipboard friendships his MI6 runners think it inevitable that he will soon learn more about the timing and details of the coup so that it can be aborted by any means possible.
Vaux quickly discovers from a motley crew of sub-agents and a careless army co-conspirator the details of the plot; and has mixed feelings about whether the coup would not be all that bad for the long-suffering Egyptian people.
As this excerpt makes clear, “Treachery on the Nile” is a fast-paced and exciting story that will appeal to fans of spy novels and stories of intrigue from start to finish.
“The two men stepped on to the narrow starboard deck. There was a mild breeze, just enough to see the lateen sails billowing gently as they powered the dahabiyathrough the moonlit western desert.
“Both men leaned over the wooden handrail and gazed into the scudding, murky water as the vessel headed swiftly south. Small islands of scrub and felled palm trees flitted by and they heard the odd squawk of wildfowl as perhaps the night’s slumber had been rudely disturbed.
“Vaux said, ‘Okay. Tell me what this is all about.’
“Simcoe fished a packet of ‘Cleopatra’from his pocket, then a classic Ronson lighter. He offered Vaux a cigarette. Vaux shook his head. Simcoe lit up and quickly dispelled smoke from the side of his mouth.
“‘You must have noticed that clique of military men. They were there at dinner. That fellow who looks like President al-Sisi’s twin brother and had the gall to whisk Anne away to see his big presidential cabin, or whatever he called it, is an army man if ever I saw one.’
“‘Yes, they’re on a sort of sabbatical as far as I could gather. This Himeidi fellow says he hoped the cool Nile evenings will help them relax and discuss some military games that are coming up—or so I understand.’
“‘That’s just it, Westropp. Or should I call you Vaux?’
“‘Don’t be flippant, old man. Get on with your story.’
“‘It’s all a sham. This clique, or whatever we want to call them, are plotting the overthrow of the current Sisi regime. There—as succinct as I can make it.’
“Vaux showed no reaction. ‘Then as a journalist you’re in the right spot at the right time. You’re on the brink of a major scoop and you could be nominated Newsman of the Year.’
“Simcoe shook his head and looked Vaux straight in the eye. ‘Don’t joke Vaux. I’m serious. London wants you to work with me to help expose this conspiracy to overthrow the legitimate government of Egypt.’
“Vaux fell silent. He peered through the moonlit night, his eyes sometimes falling on dim, isolated Bedouin camps and makeshift tents, the outlines of supine camels resting on the ground nearby. At one point, he thought he saw a floodlit minaret surrounded by palms in the middle of nowhere…
“So, he thought, the wily puppeteers at Vauxhall Cross had decided on one final and masterly deception to bring him back into the fold…”
About Roger Croft
Roger Croft was born in Bushey, Hertfordshire, England. Following national service, Croft landed his first job in journalism with London’s Daily Mail where he worked on the City (financial) staff under legendary editor Patrick Sergeant, who taught him the basics of popular journalism. Croft went on to work at a number of other publications and enjoyed a long career before switching gears to write spy novels. Since he quit the grind of daily journalism, Croft has toured the world for novel ideas. For more information, please visit http://www.rogercroft.com.
Media Contact
Roger Croft
Toronto, Ontario, Canada