Greg Mullen and TJ Trout Talk Cybersecurity, Promote Food and Cash Donations for Roadrunner Food Bank

Albuquerque, NM / Friday, November 19, 2021, local Albuquerque radio station Cumulus Albuquerque 96.3 KKOB hosted their 3rd Annual Radiothon to Fight Hunger in New Mexico. The purpose of the radiothon was to encourage people to bring money or food donations for Roadrunner Food Bank. Albuquerque Computer & Electronics Recycling Co. had the opportunity to sponsor the event.
To learn more about Albuquerque Computer & Electronics Recycling Co. and its services, visit
Albuquerque Computer & Electronics Recycling Company owner Greg Mullen spent some time on-air with radio host TJ Trout. The radiothon broadcasted from the fun and quirky venue, Tin Can Alley. Mullen explained,
“People could bring donations to Tin Can Alley, or they could text to donate. On air, I shared some tips about cybersecurity while encouraging people to bring their food donations in or text a financial donation.”
Mullen and Trout took the opportunity to share with listeners about the increased threat of cybersecurity attacks, explaining how individuals and businesses can prevent security breaches. This work is a central focus of Albuquerque Computer & Electronics Recycling Company’s’ sister company—ABQ-IT.
From the start of the drive on November 17 through November 30 (Giving Tuesday), the community donated a total of $27,288. The community truly stepped up to work towards KKOB’s mission to “Fight Hunger in New Mexico.”
About Albuquerque Computer & Electronics Recycling Company
Albuquerque Computer & Electronics Recycling Company is a recycling center for end-of-life computers and electronics. They operate at the highest, most secure industry standards, performing data destruction on all data-retaining electronics, serving individuals and businesses.
Media Contact
Greg Mullen
3734 Hawkins St NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico